From My Bookshelf: The Enchanted Forest Chronicles
Strong Female Characters
In addition to the main character Cimorene, the dragon she works for Kazul is female, as is Cimorene's best friend Alianora, and the witch Morwen. They are all competent, intelligent, clever, and practical, but they were all individuals as well, and they grew in different ways. The villains were all male, however, not all the men were villains, and the story did not vilify all men.
Practical Response to Oppression
The story begins with Cimorene trapped in her life as a princess where she is expected to be beautiful, obedient, and empty-headed. She finally runs away when she catches her parents arranging her marriage behind her back. Cimorene takes responsibility for her life and happiness. However, she does not go where she has no unpleasant responsibilities or where no one has authority over her. Instead, the emphasis is on going where she is free to pursue her dreams (sword-fighting, magic, cooking) and where her talents are appreciated.
No "Feminist" Behaviors
Cimorene did not throw fits insisting that she be given her way or trying to change other people's behavior. She changed her own behavior to get the results she wanted. She treated the men who came to rescue her with cutesy, even when she thought them particularly stupid. Cimorene used her manners. Even when it would have been easier to get them to leave by insulting them, she treated them with the respect that she wanted in return. She did not go into a tizzy when someone called princesses "empty-headed." Although they were feeding into stereotypes with the insult, they clearly were not intending to offend her personally, and she did not deliberately misunderstand to prove a point.
A Woman for King
At about the same time that I read this series for the first time, a lesson in Physical Education centered around--no joke--"Sportspersonship." As a result, the passage in Dealing with Dragons where Cimorene has a conversation with Kazul about the dragons' system of government impacted me greatly.
"But you're a female!" Cimorene said. "If you'd carried Colin's Stone from the Ford of Whispering Snakes to the Vanishing Mountain, you'd have had to be a queen, wouldn't you?"
"No, of course not," Kazul said. "Queen of the Dragons is a totally different job from King, and it's not one I'm particularly interested in. Most people aren't....'King' is the name of the job. It doesn't matter who holds it." (Wrede 85)I think this highlights how silly some of these "Feminist" issues are. As long as a woman can hold a particular job, what does it matter what it is called? As long as a woman can exhibit sportsmanship, does it matter that her specific gender is not connoted? Many "feminist" issues today are like this. At the heart, they are very silly and based on misconceptions or false evidence.
I believe we should be aware of how women are portrayed in fiction because there are often legitimate discrepancies and stereotypes. However, I think we should also be aware that the current "feminist" movement has fallen far from its noble origins. It is now largely a group about venting personal grievances, and getting the government to pay for it.
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