The God Killer: A Brief Review of Age of Myth

Age of Myth (2016) by Michael J. Sullivan has a great rhythm. The adventure is well paced and the characters are artfully developed.

I appreciated his disclosed writing style: he finishes the whole series before he publishes the first book. That method may not work well for other writers, but from a reader's standpoint, it is a relief to know that the story's themes are interwoven consistently through its whole.


In a moment of revenge, Raithe kills one of the Fhrey. The Fhrey are an elevated race of many tribes, considered by the Rhunes to be gods because of their long lifespan and ability to use strange powers. As a result, Raithe is named the "God Killer"--a destiny he would rather avoid--and sets off a time of rebellion.

But the Fhrey are far from gods, although they have begun to believe otherwise. One tribe in particular has set themselves apart as the most powerful, and they must crush the seeds of dissension.

Emotionally Satisfying

One review I read faulted the story for being "emotionally threadbare" since the conclusion was clichéd.

This reviewer did not elaborate, but only said that the good guys win and the bad guys lose. I have always found that satisfying, myself. In fact, as far as the fantasy genre goes, the most successful stories end that way from The Hobbit to Harry Potter. The dichotomy between good and evil is a standard thematic element of the genre.

Is that cliché or a time-proven story pattern?

I found the conclusion satisfying, not only because my expectations were adequately met, but Sullivan set up many story threads that reached for the next book. I was not left thinking that the good guys had won, but that they had begun an important fight for their principles--one that was only going to get more difficult as they continued.

A rewarding read I highly recommend!


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